
By Ridgeback13


This may not look like a very interesting blip but it represents the most exciting thing that’s happened to me in ages! I’ve finally (after almost exactly 3 years on the waiting list) been offered a space in this bike storage unit on my road…fantastic news that means I won’t have to manhandle my large and very heavy electric bike down the steep curved stair to my basement store any more.
After such an exciting start to the day I fairly skipped through the rest of it…taking more stuff to the charity shop, buying and marking up my new annual wall planner (always takes longer than you think!), putting out all my stuff ready to pack for tomorrow. Can’t wait to be in 28 degrees with sunshine given how cold, dark and dank it is here!
I even managed to keep my temper as I battled unsuccessfully with two different banks offering savings accounts, unable to upload ID documents without them telling me there were problems….infuriating! I ended up going to a site of a bank that I’m already with and opening a new account there…much easier.
I’ve been retired 18 months now but still don’t take ‘free’ days like this for granted. Having nothing in my diary and only my own priorities/preferences to think about still feels like a real treat and privilege….I wonder if it will seem more like ‘normality’ one day?!
Will be eating leftovers and having a quiet evening…or should I do my packing? We’ll see….!

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