
By LifeLines

Getting Going

It was a bit nippy and grey this morning. To wake myself up I decided it best to embrace the weather and get out for a walk, first to the village bakery, and then with Merlin to the meadow. We had a good long walk, enjoying the cool air (me) and squirrel activity (Merlin). I returned feeling hot tea and brunch were justified.

This afternoon, with a favourable (low) tide but rather less favourable weather forecast (heavy snow), we headed off to the beach at Hayling Island. Merlin has had rather a lot of street walks recently (because of the wet conditions) so we thought he’d enjoy having space to run. It’s so lovely to watch him gallop. He makes it look effortless and exhilarating, and I imagine he could do it all day. In the end the snow was much lighter than predicted so that was probably a good thing, but the dark sky and low sun made an atmospheric experience.

Grateful today:
- To have had two wonderful uplifting walks despite the cold and gloomy conditions.
- To have an offer to meet up with a neighbour for coffee and a walk, and to receive some kind and wise words from her too.
- To have had a two hour online mindfulness training session in which I met new people and learned some useful techniques.

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