Tauhou (Waxeye) tongue

Waxeyes/Silvereyes have brush tipped tongues to aid them in sipping nectar, though they will also feed on berries, fruit and insects.

I was going to blip snow today - either the snow at my house this morning or the snow up the Owen Valley where I visited friends this afternoon, but in the end, as usual, I couldn't resist the wee waxeyes. I've had at least two of them at my house all day, feeding on the apples I put out for them.

I assume it's not the same pair all day (they'd be bursting with apple by now), but they and the sparrows, goldfinches, greenfinches, chaffinches, starlings and blackbirds have been feeding well here today.

Anyway, that aside, I chose this image because it shows the wee waxeye's tongue. Get up close and personal with the wee brush.

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