Song sparrow

I don't often see any song sparrows on the deck, even though there is seed there that they like. This one joined the cardinal pair this afternoon. The usual crew was around too, the blue jays were here this morning along with morning doves, goldfinches, chickadees, crows and the pine warblers.

We didn't get as much snow as they had forecast, only a couple of centimeters. So it didn't take me long to scrape the steps and clear off the truck this morning. I was talking to A last week, I asked him to go and remove a branch that had fallen on a fence for one of my customers. He said then then that he could stop by after he finished his snow clearing job today to make sure my driveway was clear. Then we didn't get enough snow, but he messaged me tonight to say that he had stopped by to check. I told him that I really only need help when there is enough snow that the plow comes around.

My shoulders are stiff tonight after working today. I'm not sure why, I wasn't lifting anything heavy and I didn't have to do a lot of work with my arms over my head. Other than one of the jobs everything went well. We were supposed to hook up some lights with one brand of cosmetics, but there was no place to access any power that we could find. Even the manager could not figure it out. So we did the reset without power.

Tomorrow is another training day, but only 3 brands instead of the 5 we had today. Hopefully the trainee tomorrow will catch on quickly. I enjoy my time off but it is good to be back working again.

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