Peninsula Hill

We had everything today and it started with a Blwalkie right after Bleakfast (That's breakfast on a bleak day) were The Boss suitably, togged up and ME, covered with curls, trotted along too.
There had been a sno fall over night but just a little one, enough to turn the ground white in the open places and increase the Blip interest.
After lunch, his not mine, we went to a friends to play swap the CD and then to G's place where he had an enduring AppleTV problem . While The Boss was playing with his PC he noticed that it had a dicky power switch. G remarked that everything about him was "dicky" and the Boss thought that was a highly Blipable comment so did.
The problem, for the Tech enabled out there, was the Bonjour program that enables Apple TV to talk to his music collection so it got an upgrade and now works a treat.

The Boss thought that all this was a grrreat way to pass a cool day and with The Bossess arriving from Christchurch to Queenstown, via Auckland on a Jet (which is the only type of plane landing at Queenstown today) (she has a fancy card it seems) the day will end complete and the family can watch a nice movie to celebrate (Maybe "Beethoven".(Woof for that)

The pic was this morning, between sno showers and stickathons and that is Peninsula Hill looking very cool at 2 c.

Row row row your boat but better muffle the oars.

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