Rest day

I knew I’d be quite useless today. I didn’t get up just until nearly 11am and then had French Toast for breakfast while watching an old episode of “Yes, Prime Minister”.  

5pm was a dinner created from this week’s veg box: mainly parsnips and sweet potato but it was very tasty. And then a train into London for the first of this year’s ‘Crazy Coqs Presents’. The theme was Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics.  As usual, Mark asks us if we can predict the first song. We failed but we did guess the closing enable number: ‘Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves”.

The forecast was for a small amount of snow.  Secretly we were hoping it would be like our visit the The Cozy Coqs in November 2022 when we walked out into a snow-filled winter wonderland. Instead, the snow never arrived. 

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