Chick chick chick chick chicken
We are loving our wildlife camera
Especially that starling are no longer the most regular visitor
We.enjoy watching the cats wandering the garden too and watching their confusion as we call them
Work is.very very busy. I've been in at 740 the last two mornings and not home.before 1800... It is exciting and we are getting there quickly
On the patient front. Himself is much bettee apart from the bloody toe. One is more.bloody than the other ... I helped put an extra layer of pad to try and stop the blood dripping ... Very difficult thing to do when you have your eyes closed
I'm not that good at sore; despite living thru a horrific labour and a worse hysterectomy. I find myself staring at himself's face and not dragging my eyes down to his feet
I'm taking tomorrow to get his dressing changed.
That will be nice
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