Naughty snack

And a much needed coffee in the Reading Minster coffee shop after the j9b centre today!

Thank you for all your kind comments yesterday.  Charlie and I appreciate it.

I came here before my job centre meeting as the buses were all running late so decided to get here early and I bought the printed out job description to start on tomorrow's interview.  

Its a shame it ws a bit too noisy to concentrate...  I treated myself to a few goodies from the bookshop which is a bit naughty though.

The meeting was OK though with a different person to the one I expected and I will be paid.  She was amazed I've had so many interviews already.

In a while I need to wind myself home and get on with the applications  and do more prep for tomorrow again but for now I'm trying to relax in a warm space :)

I think I probably don't relax enough...

Thankful for the understanding of the jobcentre 

and the space to relax at Reading Minster coffee and bookshop 

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