
By Houseonahill6

Brownie Nativity

Hurrah our Brownie Nativity went well. A bit nerve- racking especially when I got a message to say that ‘Joseph’ had chicken pox.Managed to get one of the other Brownies to change parts and luckily I had the outfit still, the others had gone home with their ones last week, so we dropped that off at her house at lunchtime.
The church looked lovely.At the moment it still has pews which had Christmas decorations with candles at each end, made by my friend Anne.
The Brownies read well. Here you can see the Camel reading The annunciation onto Mary. She looked really cute with just the head of the camel and her eyes peering out above the pulpit.
We sang lots of familiar carols with readings in between. A few Brownies had to leave early as they had siblings in the School concert which ended up being on the same night.
The evening finished with hot apple and shortbread or mince pies and of course Chocolate Brownies requested by the Brownies.
We said goodbye to one of our Brownies who has just turned 10.A couple of years till her sister starts and then there’s another after that :)
Had a Chinese takeaway for dinner that went down a treat.

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