A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


I think this market hall and butter cross in Bingley qualifies for the title ‘Old’ for today’s Wide Wednesday challenge.  
I went into Bingley this morning mainly to return a skein of embroidery thread that is the wrong shade. When I got it last week the shop keeper was in the cafe next door, she was there again today. I’ll try again tomorrow! The sign shouldn't say she opens at 10.00am but that she goes next door for coffee when she arrives at 10.00 am.
Never mind we had a coffee and I managed to get some Cadbury Mini Eggs in the Co-op. I saw them in our village PO last week and made a mental note to get some as it has become our tradition to always get some for Grace’s birthday in early February. Went in for some stamps yesterday and no mini eggs. When questioned our post master said he’d been selling them since October and had sold 40 boxes! He didn’t say he was getting anymore.
No wonder you can never but them at Easter but I’m  not going to start buying them in October!

Anyway I passed this building twice on my quests. I have blipped it before but for anyone interested - Bingley got its market charter in 1212 from King John and the cross and steps may date from them. A second charter was given in 1693 by William and Mary and the market hall was built then with an extension and the existing  roof built in 1753.

It resided in the Main Street until 1888 but was moved when the road was widened and was hidden away at the top of the town in the Prince of Wales Park until the Bingley Civic Trust, quite rightly, funded it’s restoration to the town centre in 1984.

Think that qualifies for old and I took this shot on my phone’s wide setting. I took it on my second  passing and was a bit disconcerted to find a man sat on the step eating a sandwich. Think I’ve managed to hide him! 

Also seen on the left with the tower is the old fire station and on the right with the clock, the old town library both now hostelries.

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