
This water Lily flower seems to be.
Somehow I can't see it surviving.

I did not have a good night last night I had a couple of hours sleep and then was awake for the next 3.
Maybe that is why I forgot to unlock the front door when I got up and there was a gentle knocking and a nose pressed against the glass when Squirrel arrived.

I went out to the garage with the intention of clearing up and getting stuff together for taking to the dump.
I ended up making a wee box and sorting a lid that was a bit too tight.
I also tried to improve my technique with a couple of the tools. 
I don't think that worked - but using rubbish soft Pine wood certainly didn't help.

Squirrel called in after school ..... she thought it was a bit cold to walk home ....... and her Dad had said it would be okay to get us to take her home. It would have been nice of him to consult us!
Luckily SWMBO was wanting to take an item of clothing back to the shops so it wasn't an inconvenience.

I found out that my sisters house move has been put off until next week due to 'a hic-up'. She says it has worked out quite well as packing up and cleaning has taken longer than she expected. 
I didn't remind her that she is not a spring chicken any more.

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