
By JanetH

Trent and Mersey Canal

Day out with the walking group today. 6miles round Marbury Country Park and along the Trent and Mersey Canal, including a stop at the Anderton Boat Lift. When we met first thing it was pouring with rain but by the time we reached the start of the walk it had stopped and it wasn't long before we took jackets off. It was a pleasant walk and we didn't get wet. We ended with a picnic back at the starting point.

Last night I loaded a selection of my Israel pictures if you are interested in seeing more of the sights from last week. I am particularly pleased with my shot of the kingfisher! I've never seen one in the UK.

Thankyou for all the kinds words on my 300th blipday yesterday. You're all great!

Big Adventure Day Sixteen - Walking group + processing
Photos 8/2296

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