Another one of the visitor

Today I photographed my Auntie’s wartime wedding dress.  We have kept it ever since she moved into our local care home, but passed away at Christmas 2013.  We are gifting it to Cancer Research so I wanted a few photos to remember it and it was to be today’s blip, but I took shot of our visitor and he won the draw for pole photo.
A strange day with a few plusses coming from negatives.  Last night I tried unsuccessfully to renew my bus pass on line and emailed LCC to complain. This morning there was an pleasant email apologising and saying that they had renewed my bus pass from the info they had – can’t be bad.  
One or two other good things, but in a similar vein to the ‘bus pass’ Mrs W’s medicine delivery was short of an important heart drug which she had run out of and the surgery was having difficulty in getting.  This was about half past four, but after a quick phone call they put a prescription out for me which I drove over to Billingborough to pick up, took Biskit home early, and managed to get the drugs from the first pharmacy I went to in Bourne.  That and our fish supper rounded of the day well, but I was so kna exhausted I’m blipping this first thing tomorrow.

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