Dalt Vila

An early morning coffee with Danny, straight after dropping Nate at school. We took our flasks and sat by the sea for half an hour. 
I spent time attempting to sort the prison visiting, but unfortunately Sole has caught her son's stomach bug and we need to sign at the same time... So that'll need to wait til she's feeling better. It gave me extra time and flexibility to prayer walk which was good. 
I've been reading up on course stuff and ordering books...looking forward to reading them!
The kids and I took an evening walk to the further away supermarket (& a mini detour to take this pic!). It was good fun with them both. Asha came in her pjs, ha! To be fair, they're actually joggers and a t-shirt, but still, the kids found it funny! Danny had a meeting as he's been asked to do some online teaching on 'peace'.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Leaves swirling around in the wind. 
2) Lovely messages from Sole's son, Isidro. 
3) Time to walk and talk with the kids. 

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