One of the Music Group rules is that members bring a packet of biscuits with them as a gesture towards the host of the day. In the past this tended to lead to the accumulation of a biscuit mountain. While this is less the case now, since hosting is shared by more people, still sometimes the host will be left with more biscuits than he knows what to do with. Even worse is when the biscuit surplus consists of packets which aren't to that host's taste. That's when the person who brought the biscuits sometimes gets them back another day.
That definitely wasn't the case some weeks ago when one of the members brought a packet of these to my place. They weren't opened while the gang was here, so I got to try them myself and absolutely loved them. So much, indeed, that I set aside the empty packet to remind me what they were and tried several times to find them on sale. I'd just about given up when, while not actively looking for them the other day, suddenly there they were on the shelf. I took two packs (strictly for private use - not to be brought to a music session). They really, really are good.
Now if only I could remember what shop it was I found them in ...
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