
There's a house on a bend on a Blackheath road that always stops me in my tracks.
It has the healthiest hydrangea bushes I've ever seen and today I determined to photograph them
Turns out I got to photograph the gardener too.

He is well known in town, not only for his stunning floral displays but for maintaining a large stretch of the street plantings along the highway, and watering the newly planted trees on Govetts Leap Rd.
There are several others who donate their time to other areas in town, but I think Dave is chief among them.
He emphasised that the secret to getting things done is to stay away from committees:) and very generously gave me several cuttings. 
For the gardeners out there, he said the pH is a (very high) 8.

For those interested, yesterday's blip was a crop of the front door lock.
So metal, not wood, as some suggested.

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