Lovely camellia:)

They often seem to get damaged by frost, but this was a whole bush of perfect white camellia flowers. Such a treat. Just a few doors from my hairdresser. I had a getting things sorted yesterday - as I also went to a chiropodist for the first time. And it was WONDERFUL. I’ve decided now I’m 70 I shouldn’t take my feet for granted. Not only did I leave with lovely feet, but she taught me how to walk again! Amazing.
I also took two bags of decluttering to the hospice shop - mainly kitchen things - but also a box to my friend who works in a different hospice shop where they can assess and value things that are more special. I took - the brass clock my mum and dad got when they were married (1952) the clock my dad bought his dad with his first wages aged 14 (in 1929) and my mum’s 3 watches, and a fan my uncle bought for my mum in Japan in 1945. (British troops were sent there after the surrender.)Somehow I want to record these things here, but feeling good about moving them on.
In the evening I saw One Life at the cinema - about Nicholas Winton who - with others - got 669 Jewish children out of Prague and over to England in 1938-39. But was haunted the rest of his life by those he wasn’t able to get out, once the war started. I’ve seen some sneery reviews but I thought it was superb, I wouldn’t have missed it for anything. And Johnny Flynn and Anthony Hopkins are both astonishing as the young and old Nicholas.

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