
By SkiMe


CC had a special delivery last night while she was asleep. I went to pick up her cousin Sofia. CC has been looking forward to this day since Easter when we uncerimoniously left Teddy in a Savannah hotel. With the promise of going to bed early - she could be woken to see Sofia and her Teddy when they arrived; she pulled me in tight to whisper a question as I laid her down in her bed... "Do you think it would be alright to give both Sofia and Teddy a kiss?" To which I told her, "I think that would be alright." Alas, CC couldn't be woken last night at 1 in the morning when we finally got back though she took her Teddy in her arms and pulled him in tight to snuggle stroking his natty fur with her finger tips. This morning when I woke her, the teddy bear still didn't register until I had her in my arms and then she exclaimed with joy "Teddy!!!" finally opening her eyes and holding him out to look better, all smiles and then lots of cuddles. It has been like that all day today and he has hardly left her sight.

That is one tough teddy and nearly worn out... I think one more washing and then we will have to put him in storage for as later keepsake, but so very nice to see how close she has bonded with him and how happy she was to have him home!

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