There and back again

By Mikes

Rain Clouds

I was excused dog walking this morning when daughter No2 and Mrs M turned out early as they wanted to do some shopping after the walk. I therefore didn't get up to the moor until after lunch. By then there were showers sweeping across and very high winds.

Saying that, after a little wait in the car for one shower to pass, we got a dry walk in but certainly colder than yesterday because of the wind.

Often just after a rain storm, the skies are great for cloud formations, rather like today, and I think very suitable to a black and white shot

The spiky bits near the camera are the remains of swailing last year and have not grown back yet. The marks across the side of the hill on the right are the remains of medieval field systems. From here we re looking south towards Plymouth and somewhere up in the high ground on the horizon is the start of the infant river Plym and several other Dartmoor rivers like the Erme, the Avon and the Yealm and of course it is the rain that falls on these upper slopes that provide the water.

What about the two bull from yesterday? This afternoon I found them settled down in another field, still together but grazing at different ends. Still on their own with yesterdays little scrap seemingly forgotten or perhaps sorted!

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