
I was expecting a brighter afternoon, so I took no photos on the dull morning walk with Django, during which I bought some cold remedied from Tesco. I then had a good day at the keyboard, making progress on incorporating the new solver into HiGHS. I also spent an hour catching up with И. I cooked in the evening, but still without a photo, I got down the Lego Concorde that had been my Christmas present from A and daughter K. It's an aircraft that I admire immensely - the most beautiful machine that man has ever made, in my view - and the kit was brilliantly designed, so was a joy to build. Despite the wings being only one Lego unit thick, the whole construction - more than a metre long - is very robust. The wheels retract - by turning the tail - and the snoot droops. Now to demolish Old Trafford so that I can display it in my room!

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