
A manic day at work today so was pleased to finally get away this evening. first of at work we was getting all the computer hardware replaced and moving onto a new server, so for a while we was without phones and computers and when we went onto the new hardware there was lots of setting up to be done like any new computers. Secondly there was lots of stock coming from the branches that are closing down so this needed unpacking and finding space in the shop area so lots of rearranging more to come next week also .
When I finally got home it was a case of getting changed and then I had decided to go visit my Mum at my sisters .She was not to bad this evening but my sister said that she is having a lot more bad days where she is very confused . So she will 100% be staying at my sisters
While at my sister I took this shot of some words my sister has painted on her wall so this saved me having to find a blip after leaving as I was ready too just relax and chill.
Back home and yes now chilling with snooker on the TV where we earlier witnessed a 147. The weekend is now here for me so chillout time is here 

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