
With sunshine and temperature around the freezing point for today I decided to have a trip to the valley today.
I stopped at Miners Marsh for a walk and just as I came off the path from the bridge there was another woman there with a camera. I asked her if there was anything interesting around, and she said 'Yes, there is a peregrine falcon sitting on that dead tree right there'. At first he had his back to us, then we moved a few feet down the trail for a different angle, and he turned to face us. Some other photographers joined up, and he/she had 5 cameras pointed at him/her. It's hard to tell the difference between a male and a female unless you see them side by side. The male is smaller than the female.
There was  a juvenile bald eagle soaring overhead too, but I could not get any good photos of him. The cardinals were active, I saw at least 5, 3 males and 2 females. From FB photos today, there were a few other birds around that I missed seeing, but I am happy with the falcon.
The main purpose of my trip today was to restock my freezer with some ready made meals that I just have to pop into the oven when I come home from work. I also picked up a few treats.
Another storm in the forecast for tomorrow, but it is not supposed to start till early afternoon. I hope that it does wait till then, a new photography meetup group is having their first photowalk tomorrow morning and I would like to go to that. Even if I only feel safe staying for an hour.

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