Gifts of Grace

By grace

Constant craving

Citrus, grapes, sleep and more sleep.
Testing -ve for Covid.

 My brain is mush, fortunately for now I don’t need it to be anything else.



A few years ago I had an intuition that Yemen might prove to be the catalyst that precipitates the end of our Western way of life.  I had no inkling of the wider contexts, just that Yemen might be pivotal.

Today ‘we’ attempted to bomb the Huthis into submission, to teach them a lesson.  I feel frustrated at the grandiosity of our ‘leaders’ who seem to have no concept of the pride and dignity of the Muslim/Arab mind and heart.  Of the provocation of ‘our’ actions today.

For many reasons I'm glad not to be Biden or Sunak, or in their shoes.  I’m not saying I have better solutions, just that today’s actions feel disastrous.  
Allahu Akbar.  Barak Allah.  God bless us all.

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