No eagles, no vultures
I went to the dam that almost always has bald eagles and ALWAYS has completely black goth vultures. The vultures hang around, en masse, by the entrance and glare at you and if you are smart you will park far, far away because they may go on your car and your paint will be destroyed. They are not scared of you. They know you are scared of them.
They weren’t there. It was weird. The bald eagles also weren’t there. It was ok, I took some cool pictures of other things.
It was windy, as we were warned, but it didn’t bother or impact me other than cold - although, when I left the dam, there was a tree across the road that hadn’t been there when I arrived. It is important to not have a tree fall on your car while you are in it. It was smashed enough that we could drive over the pieces.
Russia develops, or says it develops, horrible scary unbelievable unbeatable new weapon. Ukraine destroys it. It has happened repeatedly. Just released by Forbes:
“ It’s dangerously close to becoming a new tradition in Russia’s wider war on Ukraine. The Russians develop a fancy new electronic system and deploy it to the front line—then promptly lose it to Ukrainian artillery, bombs or drones.
It happened again this week, when the Ukrainian Shadow drone group hunted down, and blew up, a very new and very rare RB-109A Bylina electronic-warfare command-and-control system.
Zelensky said Ukraine destroyed 26 Russian helicopters in a single day using a secret weapon. He wouldn’t say what it was, which country supplied it, or how long they’ve had it. It is sexier to hint at rather than reveal. It isn’t clear WHEN this happened.
The price of eggs has gone way up in the US, but its worse in Russia and Putin was even asked by a pensioner about it. There has been violence over eggs. Russia decided to import eggs from Turkey. Delivery of the first batch was promptly followed by reports that about 20% of them may be infected with bird flu.
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