
I went home to help my Dad today. He's extending the driveway to make a home for the new addition to our family. We've bought a campervan (I use the term 'we' very loosely cause I'm not paying!!) but I'm ridiculously excited about the prospect of being able to run away for the odd weekend when I get a look in to somewhere new to explore and take photos. I love camping but I've never felt like it's a very smart idea to camp alone in my tent. I've never been wild camping and I'd really like to so now is my chance! I'm going to find a lovely spot near some water so I can go skinny dipping in the middle of the night!! Ha!

I'm less excited to find that I'm now a member of the Caravan Club... if that's not the epitome of middle age, I'm not sure what is!

There's something quite satisfying about manual labour although I'm not sure that I'll be saying that tomorrow and all the stones from the driveway have been bagged ready to be recycled when the digger has been and the new slabs have been laid. Our new addition should be here sometime next weekend. Hurrah!

There's nothing my Dad can't do. I'm not sure that I will ever find a man who is even close to measuring up. As a family, we're incredibly lucky. I love my Dad. I love my Mum too but she never wants her photo taken! :o)

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