Lunch With Max & El

Another day of blue skies and dry weather. Gradually the fields are drying out. All this was noticeable on our drive to Kinloch.

Max had agreed to repair the antique octagonal walnut wood table which had been demolished by a friend when he collapsed upon it. Said friend is now much improved.

The Cactus was loaded up with the table parts. Pat had also baked some Jewish Mandelbrot Almond Cookies; a great favourite of El’s.

Max is quite confident he can repair the table and El appreciated the Almond Cookies. Today’s entry shows a 30 year old Monkey Puzzle tree which is located between their home and Max’s studio/workshop.

I had hoped that my throat infection would be better, but it is now fighting a rearguard action.

I like the similarities between the thumbnail for today and the thumbnail of the 6th January.

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