My Sunday: collage
What is a Sunday made up of! These images within the collage show my own day so far: a walk in the bitter cold, but so lovely to come into a warm home afterwards and have a hot drink! I'm more than halfway in the book about Nala's World. I love this true story! If you are on Instagram you can see pictures and follow Dean and Nala's travels under @1bike1world.
I've also started to join the first two rows of the 100 granny squares at the top of the collage.
The leaves had started to burst out of their tiny buds in the recent too warm days. Now they are sort of frozen in their tracks with the return to colder weather.
Honey, snug in my living-room and, on the lower right, just as she woke up from one of her naps letting me know that her biscuit bowl needed refilling!
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