Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

Let me hug you and slobber on you...

Poor little Eleanor. 3 months older than Matt. Followed around The Walled Garden by Matty with him grabbing at her clothes to pull her in closer.

Bless, she tolerated his rather aggressive advances pretty well. Even let Matty hug her and slobber on her. I dread to think what it will be like when he goes to nursery. He's going to be one of THOSE kids :/

Yummy lunch with Nanny today :) and then we had her lovely lasagne later. Yuuuuuum!

Matty had a nice time playing and Uncle Chris was home so they got down to some serious block playing.

Finally got round to using the self swimming fish that Nanny brought back from America. Amazing! He loved it. Spent all of bath time watching it, picking it up, trying to drown it and just being amazed at it!

Mark finished hiding the back lighting for the tv. Yey!

Lovely day :)

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