Thanks so much for all the kind comments on my rant yesterday. Isn't it strange that people seem to have become so mannerless ? Covid does have a lot to answer for :-(
Thanks so much for all the Abstract Thursday entries last week ! This week we will continue with the basics of abstract photography. Besides making crops so that the photo subjects become less recognisable another way to make your subject mysterious is the way you choose the viewpoint to capture it. Viewpoints in photography can be from above, from below, from knee high, from eye level, skewed, if you want to find them all Google 'viewpoints in photography'. So the optional theme for this coming Thursday is 'viewpoint' and the tag will be AT447. But remember we're talking about abstracts, so try to make them unrecognisable too ! Oh, and my Blip today is a shot from above of the sides of two egg cartons in the recycling box.
Here's the list of 5 special entries from last Thursday:
Brianblip kitchen roll pattern
Chris_P avocado skin
ladypop ice face
dollydoug gel beads
Kimb icy swirls
Looking forward to all your entries on Thursday !
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