Still Rockin'

By RockArea

The Big Breakfast

This is Wendy. A few years ago she started working with families in Zambia, getting the basics going. Now education is the priority and a charity has been established in the village which is doing some great work out there. The Big Breakfast has become a regular fundraiser and it's great to go down to the community centre where a great bunch of volunteers service an excellent breakfast.

So that was my first stop this morning, then down to the village green where I found the Village Festival had stepped up a gear. There were loads of new marquees, stalls and groups doing things. I'm really proud of my village.

At 11.15 Jim, John and I played in the cafe marquee. It was something different that came from an idea I had to do some familiar songs in a slightly different way. Elvis 'All Shook Up, the Eagles 'Tequila Sunrise', Drifters 'Under the Boardwalk' plus another 8. Rock'n'Roll's been my speciality for a few years and I love it but playing these songs in a laid back, melodic way with harmonies was really special. I think I'd like to do some more of this. I've been getting some great feedback from our gig in the main marquee last night, which is excellent!

Anyway, I took this afternoon off and we've been getting the van packed up and ready to go tomorrow. I don't know when the next blip will be but it'll certainly be a backblip as the ferry crossing takes best part of a day and I don't think I'll get any internet in the Bay of Biscay, which is where I'll be tomorrow night. So I'll be with you when I can and give you details of my trip as it goes on for the next three and a half weeks!

You all take care


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