Woodland walk
Typical Sunday,
gentle start; baguettes and walks.
Slow news day, it seems!
Ben had slept well for 3 straight nights, we were getting a bit giddy, borderline cocky about his new melatonin levels. But this morning he woke for a wee at 4am and struggled to get back to sleep. I persisted with encouraging him, even when it would have made more sense to give in, give him his iPad and get some sleep myself.. but then magically at around 5am he fell back to sleep and had another hour and a half :-) So watch this space. Or not, because it's probably a bit boring!!
We had a slow start, pottered, went out to fetch baguette, we took Ben and Leo. Ben got quite upset about a work trip Mr KCNQ2Haiku is taking in February and whether or not Ben and I are dropping him at the airport (we're not, it will be about 3am!) He really struggled to move past the disappointment of it and did a fair bit of shouting and banging. He settled eventually but I was glad I wasn't out with him on my own. In contrast we went to the woods this afternoon (see picture - it was only sunny for the time it took to take this photo!) and Ben was great, chatting to himself, checking his watch and his stopwatch! Funny how each day can have highs and lows.
Anyway now it's nearly bedtime, time flies!
Happy Sunday evening all :-)
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