
I'm getting a bit too long in the tooth to do a long run and then spend the afternoon in the pub without eating, even if we did stuff our faces eventually. Consequently the 0700 alarm Himself had set was a bit of a rude awakening. One large coffee and a biscuit (or two) later and I felt better which was good as I was riding today and haven't been since before Christmas.

We went to see the BiL in the afternoon, after No. 2 Not Child had been to collect her car (she'd carried on socialising until 2am, those were the days) before driving back up to Uni. He's doing well and is hopefully being discharged tomorrow. He's on a low fibre diet for a couple of weeks but as he said, all the 'internals are working' and he's starting to get really grumpy so he must be feeling better.

The delayed scaffolding is due tomorrow. I've got to be in the office for a new starter so Himself can listen to it going up. The actual work on the roof starts on Tuesday, just in time for the cold snap.

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