Ain't NO such animal…

…as a typical Orchid format, see above.  ¬)  
      All the above are, we were told, member of the Orchid species, which, apparently, comprises in excess of (Copy/pasted) "The orchid family (Orchidaceae) is the second largest family of flowering plants, with about 880 genera and some 26,000 species distributed nearly worldwide."
      Jerra and I had our, usual, (COVID permitting), trip to Beetham Garden Centre where Burnham Orchids had come up from Devon for their traditional "Orchid Day". 
      No doubt, from the size of their display, they hope to sell, and succeeded in selling "a fair few" - BUT - they also have a regular "Clinic"; diagnosing and/or re-potting people's orchids PLUS an interesting one hour talk with a Question time.
      One note for next time - arrive and EAT immediately!  The Restaurant proper had, all the time we were looking to eat, a queue of, I'd guess, 20-30 people -  SO -  we took the easier/quicker way out and used the Snack Cafeteria; a good big "Butty" + small Salad + Crisps was pretty close to a meal for an old Geezer not using many calories per day. 
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Bottom right  = Ernie Wise's wig?  I had f with too narrow D o F; in consequence the back of the flower is one photo, the front another.  Hence the slight shade change.

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