I have only 1 bud on this flowing shrub.
Last year it didn’t bloom at all.
Every day I check to see if it blooms.
Can you guess what it is?

A few weeks ago I read an article in the
NY Times, about a group of avid readers
who wanted to combine reading & socializing. They invited various people
to join them & just READ. So they read
together for 30 minutes & then had a break to talk about their books. Another 30 minutes of reading followed, with socializing at the end.

A friend & I hosted a “Reading Circle”
at my house, today. They were the perfect group for it, & we all enjoyed it. We had simple snacks, plus teas & coffee.
We hope to do it again next month.

When I invited various people, the response was either, “yes, sound great,” or
“that is not for me.”- - & no in between.
Avid readers seemed to be more interested.

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