The second half of life..

By twigs


Another warm though not hot day so a great time to mow the lawns and have a wee garden tidy up.  We've been on low-level water restrictions for a while now so have to be careful but when the gardens are wilting under so much constant heat it has to be done.  Half an hour of sprinkler should give the flowers a boost, especially in the cooler weather when less of it will evaporate.  

Minnie continues to be much more smoochy than usual, though is still hiding under a couch during the day.  Next appointment and update is Thursday.

Zilch done re painting the laundry but that's ok.

Enjoying Aussie Open tennis now.  Would love to see Andy Murray get through the first round but it's really not looking very likely.  I'm also enjoying the cool breeze drifting through the window...........ahhhhh.....coolness!

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