Crescent moon

After two days of taking pictures with my camera, I am back to the phone snaps for my weekday blips. Here's one I spied when I came out of the office to cycle home. Mr A had already shown me the crescent moon from the flat, juxtaposed with one of the local cranes, yesterday evening. This evening it is juxtaposed with Old College.

It was a Monday sort of day. Kept pretty busy. Hopefully didn't break anything. Certainly didn't advance my career within the university having spoken my mind about something in a public forum....Oh, never mind. Maybe I have a different sort of future ;-)

Very cold and dry in Edinburgh. No sign of the snow elsewhere, but a fair bit of ice around. I cycled in today, but tomorrow I think I will walk in, as there is the possibility of snow.

We've just had another false fire alarm in the complex. I went outside but by the time I got there, the blue lights were already there and the alarms went off soon afterwards. No idea what it was. Over dry air?

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