Long day

No time for taking photos today. The sun was setting when I got home from work, so I took a couple of photos.
We were over on our time for the nail color reline today, not that any of us were slow, there was a lot of trays that had to be moved and a lot of the colors within each brand moved to different spots. There was also a lot of new product to be put out. And it was only a 12 foot section that we did today. Wednesday I have a 16 foot section to do. Fortunately I asked my manager for an extra person so there will be 4 of us working. One of the helpers, I know that it is the first nail color reline that she has done, so it will take her more time. She tends to overthink things and it is taking her twice as long to do the jobs. I'm working with her on a small job again tomorrow, so I will have to see what tips I can give her to get things done faster.
Overnight last night, we had some rain, then there must have been some freezing rain or ice pellets before it changed to snow. Only a couple of centimeters of snow, but there was a layer of ice under it. The sun came out this morning. It meant I had to take some time to scrape the walkway and around the truck, then scrape ice off the windshield before I could leave for work.
I should tell the roommate that if it snows overnight, the first one out the door in the morning has to scrape the snow off the steps and the walkway. He doesn't do anything outside or even offer to do anything.

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