Gwaith ar y gweill

Gwaith ar y gweill ~ Work in progress

“Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith”
― Margaret Shepherd

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Cefais i apwyntiad arall gyda'r awdiolegydd yn Ffynnon Taf y bore 'ma. Roeddwn i arfer yn meddwl bod Ffynnon Taf ymhell o Gaerdydd ond mae'n ychydig o funudau ar y bws.

Roeddwn i'n meddwl y basai i edrych ar yr orsaf rheilffordd heddiw.  Roedd e'n dda i weld y datblygiad ar, ac o gwmpas, yr orsaf. (Rydw i'n wastad hapus i weld datblygiad gyda gwasanaethau rheilffordd). Mae pont newydd gyda nhw, gyda grisiau a liftiau hefyd. (Roeddwn i'n sefyll ar yr hen bont i'w tynnu'r llun hwn) .  Ger yr orsaf yw'r depo newydd am y Metro De Cymru - dal i gael ei adeiladu.

Roedd hi'n dda i weld Sonja (yr awdiolegydd) eto. Gwnaethon ni gwrdd â hi yn gyntaf pan roedd hi'n gweithio mewn clinig yn agos aton ni. Yn anffodus roedd rhaid iddi hi symud pan gafodd y clinig yn cael ei gau yn ystod y pandemig. Roedd rhaid iddi hi symud ei busnes mewn brys i barhau gweld ei chleifion. Aeth hi i Drelái, a oedd yn wirioneddol letchwith i ni.  Roeddwn ni'n hapus iawn clywed ei roedd hi'n agor lle arall yn Ffynnon Taf.  Roeddwn i wedi meddwl am newid i rywun yn yr Eglwys Newydd (rydw i'n diogi, efallai), ond yn y diwedd mae'n aml y person a'r perthynas sy'n fwy pwysig na'r daith. Rydyn ni'm meddwl bod Sonja yn werth y daith ar y bws.

Ar ôl yr apwyntiad es i i lawr y stryd tynnu mwy o ffotograffau (Mae gan Ffynnon Taf rai mannau diddorol i dynnu lluniau ohonynt). Es i i'r siop goffi - Coffi HQ - lle maen nhw'n gweini coffi a chacen dda - cyn dal y bws am y daith fer adre.

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I had another appointment with the audiologist in Ffynnon Taff this morning. I used to think that Ffynnon Taff was a long way from Cardiff but it's only a few minutes by bus.

I thought I'd check out the railway station today. It was good to see the development on, and around, the station. (I'm always happy to see development with rail services). They have a new bridge, with stairs and lifts too. (I was standing on the old bridge to take this picture). Near the station is the new depot for the South Wales Metro - still under construction.

It was good to see Sonja (the audiologist) again. We first met her when she was working in a clinic near us. Unfortunately she had to move when the clinic was closed during the pandemic. She had to move her business in a hurry to continue seeing her patients. She went to Ely, which was really awkward for us. We were very happy to hear that she was opening another place in Ffynnon Taf. I had thought about changing to someone at Whitchurch (I'm lazy, maybe), but in the end it's often the person and the relationship that's more important than the journey. We think Sonja is worth the bus ride.

After the appointment I went down the street to take more photographs (Ffynnon Taff has some interesting places to photograph). I went to the coffee shop - Coffee HQ - where they serve good coffee and cake - before catching the bus for the short journey home.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Gorsaf Ffynnon Taf, gyda phont hygyrch newydd, a dau drên
Description (English): Taff's Well Station, with a new accessible bridge, and two trains

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