The Pink Flamingo Frozen Bubble Episode

This morning's frozen bubble episode took place at about 10 degrees F in snowy central PA, from about 8:45 to 9:25 a.m. I took along my pink flamingos, a few figurines (llamas, Snoopy, the random Disney princess), some seed pods, and some tiny pine cones.

In this scene, I think Snoopy (whose HAT is also pink!) is trying to PAINT the pink flamingos onto those frozen bubbles on my stump slices. Go, Snoopy, go! Snoopy is just so fun and creative! Some personal reflections on this episode:

1. I'm still working on a new bubble mix; it needs more body. I didn't get a lot of nice crystal formation. I hope that el cheapo store brand corn syrup I bought will do. I fear the Karo I had before was better, but it went bad and I had to replace it. Anyway, we shall see. (My bubble mix: 4 parts dish detergent, 1 part water, a dash of corn syrup.)

2. The snowy background made it difficult to see the bubbles. There wasn't any contrast between the bubbles and the snow. I wonder if I should have blown my bubbles ONTO the pink flamingos, for better contrast. Hmm. Maybe next time.

3. It was so cold, my bubbles froze very quickly, and became quite opaque. I usually take my right glove off, blow the bubble, put my glove back on, and grab the camera. It was so cold that sometimes my bubbles froze before I turned around!

4. The large pink flamingos . . . overall, lots of fun, but in some ways, perhaps a bit too much. They did look so fun and pink and happy on my landscape. However, a bubble purist might suggest that they distracted attention from my actual bubbles.

5. I kept expecting the sun to come. It didn't. The light often joins me in the midst of my morning bubble adventures; this time, it was a no-show. But hey, it was still fun and I learned some things. More cold days are coming up. I'm sure I'll get more chances soon!

As always, here is a link to my canonical list of frozen bubble tips. Enjoy!

My soundtrack song for this one is the Psychedelic Furs, with Pretty in Pink.

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