Rewards Are Where You :Find Them

I'm dragging after a couple hours of weeding and trimming in the garden, my hands are cold and wet, even through the gloves. Here I am slogging back to the shed with my tools, and bam! the universe perks me right up with this gorgeous creature just inches from my droopy eyes. Right there on the lemon tree, I could stroke its sweet furry back, I could nuzzle those soft wings, and it lets me stare to my heart's content. It is so brilliant--that orange! those tiny white stars bordering the wings!! Oh you beauty, thank you for saying hello. I hope you find a safe place to sleep tonight.

Note: the black spot on the lower wing indicates that this is a male….

Note #2: yesterday’s orange exclamation point on the Prius dashboard is an indication of low tire pressure!! It would be nice if they would just say that, instead of issuing a dire warning to calmly seek out a mechanic and stop driving the vehicle. 

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