Definitely Not Candy

But I couldn’t help admiring , as I often do, the symmetrical and complex design of the humble cremini mushroom. I also had a bag full of delicious chanterelles but they don’t have the same curb appeal.

I was making a mushroom/potato/cheese dish which used just about every pan and bowl in the house, and had an internal ironic
monologue going on in my head based on cookbook speak…’deftly but thoroughly combine ingredients with a few quick strokes.’ Sounds easy enough but trust me, it’s not. We shall see how it tastes. I did break one rule which was to do about six operations at once so that everything can be ‘served immediately’.

While the rest of the nation toils through snow, ice and freezing wind, our weather people, perhaps feeling a little bit left out of the drama, are trying to make our rain sound worse than it is by assigning storm levels and endlessly talking about flooded streets and high surf. It appears to me, looking out the window, to be a pretty normal rainstorm for this time of year. It’s cold, but not sub-zero cold, and it is January.

I don’t want to hear another word about all the people who braved snow and sleet, wind and hail to attend the Iowa caucuses and ultimately choose a certain repugnant individual as their nominee for president…some even being quoted as saying that even if he were found guilty of felony crimes, they would still vote for him.

What IS a caucus anyway?

recipe book speak

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