Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


Apologies. This image is more alegorical than it is contemporary. 
The flooding along the river in Bedford has forced me to explore a new route into work.
Separately, I have noticed that on very cold days my rear brake likes to seize up.
Usually that would mean that I cannot stop, and it wouldn't mean that I cannot go.
This morning I thought it might be a good idea to exercise the brake cable mid-freeze to prevent it from seizing.
Bad move. It jammed with the rear brake full-on. It's only a push-bike but it's a bugger to push when the rear wheel is locked solid.
Happily, the rear brake locked solid only a few hundred yards from the shop the bike came from so I didn't have too far to drag it before locking it up outside. I would have been nowhere near this shop were it not for the flooding along the river.
Equally happily, a colleague was driving in to work not too far away and gave me a lift in.
The bicycle has a combination lock, so when the repair shop opened I was able to phone them with the combination and they were able to repair it while I was busy at work. I collected it this evening with new cables and extra waterproof grease. It's running beautifully now.

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