
By trabroun

OMG - hold onto your stomach!!

As part of S's birthday present we had arranged for her to get a "teen drive" experiences at Knockhill Racing Circuit in Fife.

The day consisted of a computer based theory test for ½ hour, then out with a driving instructor for a further 30mins being driven around the area getting the kids to identify what they thought were drivers' hazards. Then back to the centre and out for a one hour drive with the driving instructor in a dual operated car, driving around a dedicated track where they had to do all gear changes, reverse, hill starts emergency stops etc, then into the garage to learn about oil & water level checks and then take off a wheel and replace it on a racing car!

Then... along with a parent, into a racing car and blasted around the racing track! OMG, I felt sick at the first turn, I have never been in a car ever in my puff where you head towards a hairpin bend at 90mph and then brake to spins to turn and then hurtle along the track having accelerated on only two wheels. S thought it was great as did I, but my pallor gave the game away!

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