...does one person count as people?  Well, at least it’s a wide shot and Keiran posed very well for me!  Flo, who also works at Jack’s called Keiran a poser, but I thought he looked good and told her so - not sure she agreed with me, but we will have to agree to differ on that one.  However, if I had got her in the shot, it would have been people!

Our next door neighbour, Lynn, has the “declutter” bug, so every couple of days she brings a black bag full of her stuff and it sits in our hall until we are ready to take it to the DEBRA charity shop.

Yesterday, she asked if we had any boxes because she had a complete dinner service, tea set and coffee set for us to take.  Of course, we soon found some boxes and all the china was wrapped well, ready for us to take.  Although Mr. HCB felt a bit off colour this morning, he was determined to go out, so off we went.  We offloaded the various bags and boxes to DEBRA and then went into Jack’s for a quick coffee.  It had to be quick because I had a text to say that the wool I had ordered - and I’m now into knitting fingerless gloves - would be delivered between 11 and 12. 

Before we left to come home though, and after we had left Jack’s, I had to go to the Post Office to post off a pair of gloves to a Blip friend - you know who you are!  I had packed the gloves into a Jiffy bag, but the man in the Post Office said that it would cost almost £5, because it was too bulky to go through their measuring slot.  I know the two guys in the Post Office, so we were having a bit of banter about this, whereupon I said that I would crush the envelope down, so that it went through his measuring gauge, which I duly did and handed it back to him.  He managed to press it down even more and then charged me the Large Letter rate - what a star! Had I known that the WW theme was people, I would have taken a shot of the two of them behind the counter, but am happy with Keiran.  

Just hope that the First Class post is worth it and the gloves arrive tomorrow - enjoy wearing them, Blip friend - and no doubt you will let me know when they arrive.  

It is bitterly cold today and even feels as if it could snow, which will please Mr. HCB - as long as it’s gone by tomorrow when I go to Knit and Knatter.  Take care and stay warm and safe.  M xx 

P.S.  Had an interesting conversation with someone who works for Heinz when I went to Morrisons this afternoon.  He was taking a photograph of shelves stacked with Heinz products - when I said that I took photographs like that, he said that he worked for Heinz and he had to take them to ensure that the products looked good.  I then told him about Blip and said that I wouldn't accept the way the tins were stacked - they weren't in line and one or two were even dented!  He looked again and said, "Oh yes, better change that or my boss will be after me!"  The moral of this story is "Get Mrs. HCB in to rearrange your tins before taking photographs" !! ;-) 

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