Frozen Ross Fountain, Princes Street Gardens

I extended my route to the gym this morning to take a look at the frozen Ross Fountain in Princes Street Gardens. This was just after sunrise, so the fountain wasn't very well illuminated for photographs. Even so, my blip shows some pretty spectacular icicles.

I raced home after my strength training class to be certain that I was back at the flat before the arrival of Mummy hazelh's occupational therapist. She was pleased with the changes that we have made to the layout of Mummy hazelh's quarters to make it more navigable for a frail old lady with dementia. She was also impressed again by Mummy hazelh's athleticism when asked to walk from the sitting room to the back of the flat. Mummy hazelh deserves both an Olympic gold medal and an Oscar for her performance whenever there is a healthcare professional present.

Jackie is coming over this evening to keep Mummy hazelh company while Mr hazelh and I pop out the L'escargot bleu for supper. If this isn't exciting enough, we also have the next episode of The traitors to look forward to later tonight.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; aquafit class; swim (20 lengths); strength training; walking (16,489 steps).

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