Cold Chaos.

My first task after breakfast was to write a letter with more information for the solicitor. It wasn't hard as I either knew or could easily find out most of the requested information. Blip is actually a great resource for dates and the timings of things.

 It took most of the morning as I wrote all my facts out on a piece of paper then typed it all up in a proper letter, and printed it. Time was lost on convincing the computer to send the letter to the printer that is connected to it rather than searching for a non existent wireless one it thinks we own but don't.

It's done now and posted. After going to the post office I went a little further, into the Arboretum. This pond was still frozen in part and the birds were skating on it. Others were flapping excitedly in the hope that I had food for them which I didn't. 

I have been out for more walking since lunchtime and I still have not washed the skirting boards. I will do it tomorrow, definitely....

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