Still treacherous

I could hear cars crunching the ice this morning so I was very pleased to stay in bed. I fed the birds again, the patio was very icy so I used my walking pole. 
After lunch I braved going to the shop. I have decided not to drive as I know the road from our estate has black ice to the main road and I have to go up hill. This is the view from the end of my drive. I managed to get up the road a bit but it was very slippy then I met a dog walker who told me the top road to the main road was treacherous. I went back home and on my way I met a girl who said she had slipped. I daren't take any chances since having the hip replacement and as I have no commitments it's fine to stay at home. I doubt I will go to school tomorrow as the road will still be icy at 9am. 

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