
Woke early to walk the hound.  Needed to get to the market early to then proceed to a hair appointment.

Got shopping done pretty quickly.  Headed to the hair salon.  But building still there but no salon!  Even went up and down the street puzzled.

Texted Robbie, hair stylist.  He texted back Head Office and an address.  Even more puzzling as I thought he meant the head office for the disappeared salon.  Phoned back and it turns out Head Office is a salon Robbie is now working in.  As it was further away it was too late to fit in.  Agreed I'd ring from home to arrange another appointment.

Back home texted available times to Robbie.  Checked phone for message from Readeasy student.  She cancelled our session saying she didn't feel up to it.  She has ataxia which wears her out.

Felt I needed a reward.  Made a large salad with a tahini, lemon and olive oil dressing. Hit the spot. 

Took hound for second walk while next door's building work was noisy.  Got very cold listening to woes of a fellow dog walker. 

Now post dinner going to watch episode 2 of Channel 4's Truelove.

Pleasant evening everyone. 

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