
By Chrelizg21


Left the campsite this morning & stopped briefly at Sheringham Park for a coffee & a short walk for our Springer before driving on down to Horsford for our Wednesday afternoon cross-country run, then home. There is always plenty to attract the camera in the Park, but because of the time pressure I just went for the more obvious - the few rhododendrons & camelias which were in flower. Up close, most of them weren't at their best - this is one of the better ones, catching the sun but also, unfortunately, above my head so I couldn't avoid having a less-than-ideal background.

The cross-country was held in woods in a small country park. We'd been a little worried because some of the routes used in that area pass through what can only be described as swamps, but this one was surprisingly pleasant, and not too cold - not as cold as it is at home, now!

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