Day of the Lillies

It has been a lovely day here. If we didn't have clouds at times, it would have been too hot. We reached around 28c. 

I got the garden watered early in the morning and again early evening. Apart from cutting a few things back I haven't done much gardening today. Because it has been so dry here not many weeds have grown since l was last here. 

It is very quiet at the moment here as I am the only person in our complex. The next door neighbours must have gone away. They are the only full time people here. In the day time there is a bit of noise because the new house that has gone up nearby, they are doing the landscaping. 

I have a little internet I payed for before I left Christchurch. Not sure how long that will last so I will catch up with your blips when I get back to Christchurch again. 

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